Selasa, 27 Disember 2011

# I Need You Here & With me Now Boo :(

I miss : -
- How happy i with you.
- How happy you was with me.
- How glad i with you.
- How you Glad you was with me.
- Your lips.
- Your kiss.
- Your Hug.
- Your fake smile.
- Your smile.
- Your vampire teeth.
- Your darkbrown hair.
- Your thick eyebrow.
- Your high and sharp of nose.
- Your half-closed of eyes.
- Your bite.
- Your joke.
- Your Tickle.
- Your Bribe.
- Your pink nails.
- Your white face.
- Holding my hand.
- Pull my check/nose.
- Romantic of Whispering.
- Play my hair.
- Your conversation.
- Your section of shirt.
- Your shortpans.
- Your kungfu shoe.
- Your console.
- Your rage.
- Your pink handphone.
& All About You :'(

Meow? Rawr nak meow :( Rawr nak meow stay kelantan. Rawr nak always jumpa Meow. Rawr nak buli meoww! Rawr nak cubit meow and yang penting, rawr nak tengok Meow smile depan rawr :} Tapi, rawr kena terima hakikat yang meow stay dekat Putrajaya :( Smalam, last date kita. Rawr akan tunggu meow untuk balik kelantan. Akan tunggu untuk selama-lamanya. Sebelum moew hembuskan nafas terakhir, rawr nak sangat jumpa meow. Jangeylah tinggal rawr gituu jahs T.T Walaupun kita always texting&calling, rawr tetap rindukan meow. Rawr nak meet meow. Rawr tak sabar nak tunggu Cuti datang. Mesti meow akan balik kelantan en? Yea-yea ^^, Ingat tak meow janji gpo ngey rawr? meow oyak, meow akan stay kelantan nanti habis SPM. *dancing :D Tapi.... Spm lambat lagi laaa :( Setahun akan datang lagi? Ohh. Sigh >.<' But, nothing else. Rawr tetap akan tunggu meow. Wehee :* Meow oo meow? Meow jangey curey ngey Rawr bules? Mana la tahu en, Meow kan Handsome macam david archuletha. Sapo toksei tu memey rugi laaa -___-' Ni, first time rawr gewe ngey ore dgan jarak jauh. Oh, i see man. Mitok-mitok laa kita forever. AMINYARABBALAMIN :') if meow curang dengan rawr, rawr akan cakar muka meow and akan cari Bitch tuu, sampai ke lubang cacing. Remeber it okay :)) Rawr gerey la ko meow ni, rawr sero nok Gocohs aww. Dush! dush! tapi, if rawr kato ko meow gini, mesti meow ngaju. Olololo. Cute nyer muka meow ^__^ Muka meow marah, lagi cutee kan? Hikhik. Rana-rana pun Hubby bby ney always Handsome :*

P/s : I keep myself busy with things to do, but everything i pause, i still think of YOU.

I miss you & always miss you. Never stop :)
Lots of love , babyaya

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